
Showing posts from July, 2015

Your Wedding Abroad Checklist

I have been planning Destination Weddings for the last 10 years including my own, but is it really as easy as it seems?  So here is our  Travel by Lesley simple step-by-step guide to getting through the planning process. So grab a pen and start ticking off your wedding to-do list. As soon as possible Agree on your overall budget, and add a contingency of 10 percent or so for unexpected expenses. Think about where you want to get married and look into all the legalities.  If you plan to invite friends and family, decide what you will pay for and what they will need to pay for, and check who’s likely to come.  When you have a number in mind, choose and book your wedding package. Consider taking out wedding insurance. Check that your passports are up to date. Most countries require you to have at least six months left on your passport especially after Brexit.  Remember to book in the name as per your passport. We will send you a wedding information pack. Make sure you fulf